Learn About Rocketry
The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) is an outstanding resource for all things rocketry: We’ll also learn together as a club and from our mentors.
Launch Fields
There are several local NAR sections that hold launch events near us including . We have a partnership with a local airport to hold our club launches.
Local NAR Sections:
- South West Michigan Association of Spacemodeling Hobbyists Model Rocket Club
- Jackson Model Rocketry Club (JMRC)
Scholarships, Grants & Internships
Students with interests in engineering, physics, computer science, aerospace and other related fields are in great demand.
*If any of these links do not work, contact the administrator and let them know which one does not work*
National Association of Rocketry Scholarships
Did you know that if you are a NAR member between the ages of 17 and 22 attending college or a vocational school that you may be eligible to receive a NAR scholarship?
- In 2001, the NAR Scholarship and Robert L. Cannon Educator grant were inaugurated at NARAM. Since 2010, they have awarded up to ten $500 Cannon grants and ten scholarships per year. Robert L. Cannon Grant—Instructions and Application
- In 2015, the NAR Extracurricular Activity Grant (EAG) was initiated to provide up to ten $500 grants for after-school activities, such as rocket clubs, Scout, Civil Air Patrol, 4-H, or NAR section programs involving model rocketry. TARC and SLI teams are not eligible for these grants. Extracurricular Activity Grant—Instructions and Application
- In 2018, the Estes family announced the Gleda M. Estes Scholarship for the Advancement of Young Women in STEM. High school seniors and college freshmen majoring in STEM fields are eligible to apply for this $3,000 scholarship. Recipients of the Estes Scholarship may not receive a NAR Scholarship in the same year but are welcome to apply for the NAR Scholarship in following years. A separate application is required for the Estes Scholarship. Gleda M. Estes Scholarship—Biography, Instructions and Application
- Also in 2018, the Leonard Fehskens Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of longtime NAR member Len Fehskens, who was well known for his creative rocket designs and passion for the hobby. His sister, Ms. Wini Labrecque, decided it would be appropriate to memorialize Len with a scholarship for aerospace engineering majors who participate in model rocketry. Aerospace engineering students who apply for the NAR Scholarship are automatically considered for this $2,000 scholarship. Recipients of the Fehskens Scholarship are welcome to apply for scholarships in following years. Leonard Fehskens Memorial Scholarship—Eligibility, Instructions and Application
- The Jay Apt Endowed Scholarship was created in 2021 by Dr. Jay Apt, NAR #4554, a veteran of four Space Shuttle flights and 50+ year NAR member. High school seniors and college freshmen planning to study science or engineering at a college or vocational school who apply for the NAR Scholarship are automatically considered for this $2,000 scholarship. Recipients of the Jay Apt Scholarship may not receive a NAR Scholarship in the same year but are welcome to apply for the NAR Scholarship in following years. Jay Apt Endowed Scholarship—Eligibility, Instructions and Application
The deadline for applying for the NAR Scholarship (which automatically include the Len Fehskens and Jay Apt scholarships), the Gleda M. Estes Scholarship, the Cannon Grant, and the Extracurricular Activity Grant is June 1 of each year. Grants/scholarships are presented at the NAR annual meet (NARAM) held in late July/early August. You do not need to be present to receive a grant/scholarship.
These programs are ongoing. The NAR Board of Trustees funds the programs at the Winter board meeting. Download instructions and applications below. Eligibility requirements are included in the instructions. If you have questions concerning these programs, please contact Mark Wise via email:
Learn More About NAR Scholarships & Grants @